Were you born after 1965?
The research suggests that you opt for a more collaborative model of leadership . . . favor teamwork and bringing other perspectives to discussions. The skills you value are collaboration, networking, communication, being adaptive and understanding context, creativity, inclusiveness, confidence, and thinking broadly about issues. And guess what? You have fewer racial and gender stereotypes than leaders who came before you. You think (and we can only hope!) that when you are in leadership roles, racial and gender issues will improve! You have, (and this is so encouraging), a renewed commitment to civic engagement! For more information about this research http://cumuonline.org/documentpreview.aspx?d=690.
If you are of Generation X or Y (born after 1981), what examples of engaging in civic leadership do you see among your peers? If you're a bit older, what do you see, or what gives you hope about these next generations and civic engagement?
Post a comment below!
For more information about how you can be a leader in your campus community and Anchorage community, come see us in the Center for Community Engagement & Learning (www.uaa.alaska.edu/engage).